
Constitution Scavenger Hunt?

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For the summer, my soon-to-be teacher, gave us this packet. For the 2nd part of it there are all these scenarios that have to deal with the Constitution. Does anyone know a site that could help with this?




  1. A primary object of such a national institution should be the education of our youth in the science of government. In a republic what species of knowledge can be equally important and what duty more pressing on its legislature than to patronize a plan for communicating it to those who are to be the future guardians of the liberties of the country? - George Washington

    Sadly our current government has failed this task miserably.

    Check out:

  2. Are the questions that hard that you actually can't answer them yourself? (this is said without any sarcasm what so ever)

  3. Thisquestion must have been asked by GWB.

    We know its you George, give it up already!

  4. Buy a small copy of the Constitution and keep it with you. It's your instruction guide for life in the US and most people have never read it. It tells you what the cops can and cannot do. What the state and federal gov'ts. can and cannot do. It defines all of your rights.

      No matter what the Dems or Reps say, it's all about Liberty. Trust only the Libertarians and look into Bob Barr. He is against the ammendment in the constitution for the creation of the IRS!

  5. Look up the Constitution and read it for Christ sake.

  6. Here are three good ones, the first is the document itself, along with the amendments.  This is the Cornell site.

    The next two deal with Constitutional Law, the first is also from Cornell, the second from the University of Missouri at Kansas City.

  7. to late, the bush admin took it all.....

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