
Constitution help please? *10 points + best answer!!*?

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i'm just not getting these. help please?

1) a bill of rights is meant to protect:

(a) your rights as an individual from being tampered with by the government

(b) the governments right to govern

(c) the constitutions supremacy clause

...would it be A?

2) in both the US constitution and the illinois constitution, the legislative branch of government consists of two bodies, the house of representatives and the senate. which of them has the fewest members in both cases?

(a) the house of representatives

(b) the senate

(c) they are equal in number

3) the president of the united states and the governor of illinois are both elected to their offices. what is the difference, if any, in the way each is chosen:

(a) the governor is elected by direct popular vote, while the president is elected by an electoral college

(b) the president is elected by direct popular vote, but the governor is elected by the general assembly

(c) both the president and the governor are elected by a special convention of political party leaders

.....would it be B?

4) the government of the united states may best be described as:

(a) a republic, with officials elected to represent the people

(b) a constitutional monarchy, with a king chosen for life and an elected parliament

(c) an anarchy, with no formal government would be A right?

5) if the house of representatives passes a bit, and the senate rejects it, the bill:

(a) does not become law

(b) becomes law immediately

(c) becomes law only if the president signs it




  1. So getting your homework done by other people is as easy as this nowadays eh? Sad. You'd be able to answers these questions if you tried actually learning about it.

  2. 1 - A - The Constitution protects individuals from the tyranny of the majority.

    2. - B - Senate

    3. - A

    4 - A

    5 - A

  3. 1. A.  The Bill of Rights protects the individual from the government.

    2.  The House is larger, the Senate is smaller.  The house has members based on the population of the state. The Senate has two members for each state regardless of the size of the state.

    3.  Probably A.  I'm not sure about Illinois, but the president of the US is elected by the electoral college, not by popular vote.

    4.  Republic.  Or democracy.  Both mean the same.

    5.  It does not become law.  Laws must be approved by both houses, and the president. Or the president's veto can be overridden by a supermajority of both houses.  In any case it takes both houses.

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