
Constitution of the British Parliament?

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Every government has a Chancellor of the Exchequer and a Home Secretary, but are these roles enshrined in law, or are they just conventions that the government continues to follow. I was musing whether the roles could be renamed one day - Finance Minister or something. Would it require an act of Parliament?




  1. Best question I've read here in ages.

    I don't believe these roles are enshrined in law. As the UK has no Constitution, most roles  - including that of Prime Minister - are by convention only. Also, by convention the Prime Minister can decide the titles of his Cabinet Members and the names/roles of the Departments beneath these cabinet members.

    The only way Parliament could effect change would be in a vote of no confidence. But there is no lawful way of removing the Prime Minister if he still refused to go.

    To answer your question, the Prime Minister and his Cabinet can rename the above job titles at any time without recourse to Parliament or a the law change, but as is usual for a country with no Constitution, we expect everyone to "play nice".

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