My mother has always been very concerned about my weight, as a child I was only fed raw vegetables and lean baked meat. Sometimes small portions of cheese, crackers, or yogurt for snacks. I did not drink sodas or juices only milk and water. Recently my husband and I separated and I moved into a house next door to my parents. Often when my husband comes to visit he brings take out for my daughter and myself as do some of my friends because they know we don't have any appliances besides a refrigerator yet. Whenever my mother sees someone bring food she comments something like "Oh I see so and so brought you a cheeseburger earlier did you eat it?" I am about 5 feet or so and wear a size 9. I have problem finding clothes that fit well because of my short stature and large b*****s (DD). She insists that it is because I eat too much. The truth is I usually eat one small meal a day. Also I work outside all day cleaning up construction sites so I normally do not eat during the day because of the heat but sometimes when I come home I am very hungry from the work and want seconds of dinner and she will always make comments that I should not eat more than one serving. I spend alot of time being hungry on the weekends because I don't want her to see me eat. At the same time though I am ok with my body. I think even if I were to do as she wanted I would still weigh more than most people my height because of the larger b*****s and the fact that I work in a physically demanding job and have a lot of muscle. What can I do to do tell her that I'm ok with me and she needs to keep her comments to herself? It's not like I just want to eat her food, I buy food and keep it in my refrigerator but I need to cook it at her house, and I have even offered to cook dinner for her.