
Consulting professional people. Who do you feel comfortable to talk to man/woman?

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Example doctor, dentist, accountant, chartered account or lawyer.




  1. I am an accounting software consultant

    And from experience i can tell you yes there is some people who are more gender base.

    But allot more people are more comfortable with the age of the person. They tend to think that because you are younger than them you know less, which in most cases is not true.

    I have been to places where the people think that i was the trainee due to my age and i look younger

  2. Doctor - Female in a "Naughty Nurse Outfit"

    Dentist - Female in a "Naughty Nurse Outfit"

    Accountant - Female in a "Naughty Nurse Outfit"

    Charted Accountant - Female in a "Naughty Nurse Outfit"

    Lawyer - I avoid at all costs - They are a bunch of sharks.

  3. I prefer a woman as my doctor, but other than that i don't have preferences

  4. doctor, female

    dentist, male

    accountant, no preference

    chartered account no preference

    lawyer no preference

  5. Yes I am comfortable talking to man/woman. There are certain professions where I prefer to talk to woman like physio but that part is for other reasons if you know what I mean....

  6. Doctor - Woman, preferably in her 30's or 40's

    Dentist - As above

    Accountants - Men, women are too pragmatic and generally always follow academic doctrine (book knowledge) while neglecting the real issues

    Lawyer - Woman, my experience with male attorneys is that they are poor when it comes to answering their phones or returning missed calls and messages, they also tend to leave everything to the last minute.

  7. I have always tried to consult a female doctor or dentist. I found them to be more compassionate and they seem to give you more time during an appointment. When I feel ill, I like to talk to the gender that reminds me of my mother, but if it ever comes to surgery, I would prefer a male doctor. Surgery is a cold clinical process and should be treated as such.

    When it comes to money and lawyers, I'll stick to men because they are more to the point and cutthroat in their approach.

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