
Consumer Concerns.........?

by  |  earlier

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Whenever I buy biscuits, potato chips and other items in the supermarket feel like I am not getting my money's worth. This is because often times instead of the bag being filled to the capacity it is only half full or even less than that. Can I make a complaint about this or something? Why don't they make the bags smaller then so that this does not happen?




  1. Unfortunatley it all comes down to one thing.......Money.  To keep profits rolling in you will generaly find that portion size decreases but is still packaged in the same box.  This may be due to continuity with packaging and shipping.  And at the end of the day all the consumer can do is smack them on the wrist by choosing another brand.

    (i have heard of people complaining direct to the company and have been sent a box of whatever it is was they were complaing about just to keep them happy)

    i think sometimes people buy by habit and the manufacturers have just jumped on the cash cow and road it all the way to the BANK.

  2. It's filled by weight, not volume.  During transport the product settles down to the bottom, it doesn't happen right away.  If they made the bags smaller you'd get even less product.  With chips it's better to have a bigger bag because you'll end up less broken ones.

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