
Cont: plss.. help me ... i'd like to make my own gif my own border and has a video on the center! help me !!!

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Cont: plss.. help me ... i'd like to make my own gif my own border and has a video on the center! help me !!!




  1. GIFs arent really designed for showing video.  They are best for short animations, a few frames at most.  GIFs dont compress as well as video streams, so you get a large file and the video would be slow.  GIF's don't stream very well either, if the GIF file is too big, some browsers won't even load it properly.

    GIFs have a maximum of 256 colors, for a video the can be quite limiting.  You get a dithered, noisy looking video.

    If you want proper video, you'd be better to find another way.  You could use a 3x3 table with frame images in the outer cells and video in the middle.  Or you could consider using flash (like Youtube).

  2. If you want to make a gif you could use something called GIMP.  Its a free image manipulation software.  You can get it here(  As for having a video in the centre what language are you doing this in?  If you are wanting to display a video in XHTML then you could use the center tag.  Try if you are wanting to go down the web design/development route.

    P.S. remember search engines are your friend ;)

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