
Contact Dryness Help!?

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I have been trying to wear contact lenses for a couple years. For the first year is was fine but then all of a sudden they started getting dry. My doctor subscribed a new brand that is very advanced and stuff for dryness, but don't do much better. I use drops and that helps for about 3 seconds. I have a huge astigmatism (sp?) and heard something about not eating the best that could make contacts more dry? I am very picky and was a vegetarian for a year and a half. I thought it was allergies at first but now I am pretty sure it is not. It is year-round and other then dry eyes when wearing contacts, there are no other side-effects. Any suggestions to help my contacts because I don't want to have to wear glasses the whole rest of my life every day! Thanks!





  2. omg i have the exact same problem i started wearing contacts about five years ago and then they were fine but just recently i have noticed my eyes getting really irritated with them so i went to the eye doctor and he told me i have a stigmatism too. he said it is so weak that the manufactures don't produce anything to correct them so that is why my eyes have been really uncomfortable when i wear contacts and he said there is really nothing to be done but i switched contacts to acuvue 2 from acuvue oasis and switched solution to opti free express and it seemed to help a little so good luck i know in my case they cannot do anything to prevent eye irrataion.

  3. The reason your contacts are dry because some parts of your eyes are not touching the contact, and air can go through it and make it dry, because your cornea (top surface of eye) isn't perfectly round. Usually people with astigmatism has customized contacts that fit to their cornea shape.

  4. there is a drop out there for people like you.  When you are not too sure how much your allergies have to do with the contact lens dryness or if it is just that your eyes do not produce efficient tears for contact lens wearing.  It is called Pataday.  You do need to have a prescription from your personal eye doctor but I'm sure that if you are having the problem you might be able to call them and request it over the phone.  

    As much as the acuvue advance with hydro clear is a great lens for dryness it also depends on what solution you are using.  if you are using the cheap over the counter stuff from walmart and target that might be your problem too.  The lens "re-moistens" every night while it is soaking in the solution. If you are not currently using Opti-free with replenish now, I would change that.  It you are then try a hydrogen solution. for example clear care.

  5. if you have an astigmatism then maybe you should try the new acuvue for people with astigmatism? Hope i help some! :) Good Luck.

  6. Maybe u shd try the proclaer dailies. it is make for ppl with dry eyes.

  7. Ask your doctor about Freshkote, which is a contact-friendly drop aimed more towards the severe dry eye audience- it may give you more substantial, longer term relief than OTC drops can.

    Aside from that, your only real opportunities are looking into scleral and mini-sceleral contacts, which again, you need to talk to a doctor about (and be willing to take a major expense because of)

  8. I use an eyedrop called Refresh Tears.  You can get this at Wal-Mart or Target.  It is more of a lubricant for your eyes than your usual typical contact re-wetting drop.  You can use it with or without your contacts.  I use it both ways.  It makes my eyes feel great.
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