
Contact Len for Monthly or 2 weekly?

by  |  earlier

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I wonder which best to wear contact lens for monthly or 2 weekly?

I used to have 2 weekly for 9 years.

Last week, went to different eye doctor to have eye exam to get more contacts and new glasses (that have rx now)!! :-( Now, I am wearing for monthly now. When i wear contacts and it's a little burry and it kind of not comfy. Will go back to eye doctor very soon.

Last year, I remember i wear monthly (worn for a week) contact len and it make burry. My old eye dr said need to change to 2 weekly.

And which is cheaper monthly or 2 weekly?




  1. hmm i dunno which is cheaper, ill guess monthly.

    but what i can tell you is, the cheapest place i found for contacts online are 2 sites:

  2. I personally recommend the 2 week disposables.  I have tried monthly and two week, and the two week are much more comfortable.  If you have sensitive eyes, like I do, the two week would probably be best.  But your eye doctor should put you in whatever contacts they think are best for you.

    I think that the prices are pretty similar, but monthly might be cheaper, since you only need 2 boxes per eye for a years supply.

  3. Monthly are cheaper. Maybe the material of the lenses are not suiable for u.

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