
Contact Lenses or Lasik surgery?

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I was wondering if I should stick with contact lenses or get Lasik surgery. I did however hear that Lasik surgery sometimes won't give you 20/20 vision and that you have to wear contacts or glasses still. I also heard that your night vision can be pretty bad. Which choice do you think would be a good idea? I'm just curious, about Lasik eye surgery. Mind you, I love contact lenses, but think it would be great to bea able to see without having to put anything in my eye..




  1. Go for the alternative and choose the lasik because it is a cheaper way of getting more and 20/12 visions isn't uncommon in and after such procecure has occured. Here, we   use new ways of medicine, deserting the old ones as they have expired unto inferiority. Lasik is obvious the choice until then.

  2. Lasik. most people can get at least a 6/9 vision after lasik or even 6/6. Depending on the person's eyes. lenses are great, but lasik r beta

  3. I wore glasses for a few years and then switched to contact lenses. Then, when I was about 25, my vision stabilized and I was eligible for LASIK surgery. If you have it before then, your vision can still change and the surgery is not as effective. It has been almost three years since I had my surgery and after 3 days I was seeing 20/20. I went from a  minus 10(almost blind) to seeing perfect. Granted, not all people have the same results but I think it depends alot on which dr and company you choose. I had mine through TLC...The Laser Center. They are one of the oldest companies and have the best track record around. Their prices are comparable to others but even if you pay a bit more, this IS your vision and it is worth it to get the best you can get. TLC also gives you a lifetime guarantee on your eyes. If you ever need the surgery again, they will do one refresher for free as long as you have one eye checkup a year. That's how you keep your lifetime warranty. Usually the only time someone has to wear glasses after surgery is when they get older, like later 40's and up. Your vision naturally starts to change and you might notice you will need reading glasses at times. This is just a natural aging process. LASIK fixes your vision but it does not freeze our aging process. If you have any more questions, please email me and I'll be happy to talk to you about it.

  4. It depends. Some people aren't good candidates for it due to already existing problems like dry eyes, too-large pupils, or thin corneas. Then there are people my age (late 40s) who wouldn't really benefit from it that much. I am nearsighted and because of it, I have not needed reading glasses. I would need them if I got it done. It's not worth it for me.

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