
Contact Lenses.............?

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- I just got contact lenses about three days ago. Every time I put them on I see a little blurry with them. I said I'd wait a few days, maybe my eyes just have to get used to it, but I still see blurry with them. Why is that?

- Are you aloud to put eye drops in your eyes, while the contact's are in your eyes?

Thanks for your help!




  1. Either your eyes just aren't adjusting well, or the prescription's a little off. And yes, most eye drops are fine while contacts are in, unless otherwise labeled.  

  2. if its regular contacts it doesnt happen you prob have colored ones which is g*y

  3. you probably have the wrong prescription. arrange an appointment. and no, you cannot put eye drops in while wearing contacts(you would only make that mistake once anyway, it hurts! trust me). put them in at night when you have taken your contacts out, and don't plan on putting them back in 'till morning. or you can get special brands for use with contacts, but it's really better(and cheeper) to just wait.

  4. maybe ur putting them in backwards or you got the wrong prescription because my contacts were perfectly clear the first time I put them in  

  5. Do not put drops in without consulting your eye doctor first - There may be a problem with the lens optics, the contact lens fit or maybe you have an eye problem.

    Drops are ok for dry eyes - i.e. when wearing your lenses would normally be OK from a vision perspective - but tend to perhaps dry towards the end of the day.

    As a wearer of lenses for over 18 years - vision should be perfect, as should comofrt - if not, go back!

  6. you might have the wrong prescription  

  7. IDK.

  8. After a week, you should go back to your optometrist and see what's up.

    There are only certain eye drops you can put in your eyes while you're wearing contacts.  Most eye drops will actually damage the contacts if you  put them in your eyes while the contacts are in - that might be a cause of the blurry-ness?

  9. there are special eyedrops you can use while your wearing your contacts, dont use normal eyedrops, they burn!!! i speak from experience!!!

  10. You need to make sure your hands are totally washed before putting them in.especially if you put on hand lotion after washing your hands before putting them in. If they are still  blurry then you may need another prescription. Or, make sure you are not putting them in inside-out, that makes a difference too. Didn't he give you a pair to test first? Call your eye doc. I love when I put mine in every morning because they are so clear for seeing. Also, when you take them out at night, be sure hands are washed and you rub them on each side before putting them in the solution. You will love them when you get it figured out!

    You can get re-wetting drops for your contacts but be sure you ask which one would be best for your contact brand. I just got the Accuvue Oasys and love them, but need special solution and drops.

  11. Yeah you can put drops in while they're in your eyes....I agree with the one answer that was already given they could be the wrong prescription. Are they torn? Maybe they're inside out? Does one eye have a different prescription from the other, maybe they need to be switched? Certain medication can make contacts close to impossible to wear.  

    I hope you figure it out, it sucks when you can't see

    Good luck dear

  12. maybe you have astigmatism?

    you can put eye drops in your eyes, but you need to buy the kind that is made for contacts. If you can find them try to find some that is the same brand as your contact solution.

    hope this helps


  13. The lenses could be dirty.

    There's contact lens drops that re-wet the lenses when they get dry. That could also be the cause of the blurriness.

    When you yawn and tear up, does the blurriness temporarily go away? If so then they're probably dry and should be removed and soaked.

    If they're still blurry even after you tear up, take them out and inspect them. They might have dirt or oil on the surface and need to be cleaned.

    Don't use normal eye-drops when you have contact lenses in because the drops could damage or discolor the lenses.  

  14. Each contact probably has a different strength, and maybe you got the wrong Len's in the wrong eye. You know of course when you take them out of the solution, shake them out, there may still be some liquid in them. or you can have them in backwards. You don't say what type of contacts you have, but if they are the soft lenses, they could also be scratched. To see if you are putting them in right, lay one of the contacts in the middle of your hand, if soft kind, then sort of squeeze it together, if it comes back open you're ok, if not they are backwards. You can put wet drops in your eyes because that is what they are for, dry eyes caused by the contacts. If you can't figure out the problem, better go back to whoever prescribed them for you. Best of luck to you young lady.

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