
Contact Tennis Players?

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How can i contact:

Venus Williams

Serena Williams

Maria Sharapova





  1. myspace, facebook maybe?

  2. Perhaps you could try contacting your local sports centre, or go somewhere where important tennis matches are held (probably the latter, unless you live near one). Then you could try to contact them through various different contacts, or at least take part in some sort of fan-club.

    To be honest, I wouldn't really know, why do you want to contact them? You could find tennis coaches or other people who could give you really helpful advice or something...

  3. look under search on facebook or myspace. ?

  4. Look up their names on in the "people section"..Every celebrity has a myspace.-well, that is if the're not 1343254355 years old. good luck :D

  5. as .... said myspace and facebook but also type in their name on google and try to find out there email or their agents it will be hard though!

  6. Hi LoveR! Thanks for answering my question that I asked earlier today. Okay I did a quick internet search and this is what I came up with. Please bear in mind that you can't always believe everything that is written on the net. Anyway the links should give you the info you need to contact those three players.

    Hope this helps...

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