I've been given a weeks trial of the accuve moist in bc 8.5 & 14.2 dia but they seem a bit week and the right one seems to want to pop off when i blink, the left one isn't as bad as the right, but in general they just don't feel right. The ones I had before are the focus daylies which are 8.6bc & 13.8 dia. They fit like a dream but after a few hours they dry out, and I work in an air conditioned building so no matter how many eye drops i put in my eyes, they are always too dry!
The new one's i'm trying are much softer and moist, which i've been told are going to be much better for my job, but to me they just don't seem right. The prescription strength are right, but it seems like they arn't strong enough?
I was told that the difference in bc is so minimal that there is no problem, but they never said anything about changing the dia.
Would this make a difference and are contact brands all different?
Sorry if this is a repeat question, but i worry about doing right or wrong!!