
Contact lens help?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so I just got my contacts yesterday and it took me a whole hour and a half to learn to get them in. I eventually got them in though, so they let me leave with them but I'm trying to put them on now and I'm having trouble. I have really long eye lashes, so it's hard to hold my lashes/lids back long enough to keep me from blinking and get the contact in.

What are some methods that work for you guys? Any ideas?




  1. This is because you are scared to let anything touch your eyes, what you could do to place the contact lenses  in a correct position is stare at the lenses while putting it in, this way your eye and the lenses would be in straight and correct alignment and you will be able to wear it easily. don't worry you will learn it fast

  2. Use your opposite hand to reach down from the top of your head and lift up your eyelashes of the upper lid.  Use the middle finger of the hand you are using to insert the contact to pull the lashes down of the lower lid.  (The lens should already be set up like a bowl on the index finger of that same hand....all edges of the lens should be pointing up).  Get as close to the lash-line with your fingers as you can to get the best opening.  While holding open the lashes with your middle finger and other hand, insert the lens.  It is important to make sure the finger is dry underneath the lens.  If it isn't, the lens will stick to your finger and not your eye.  Good luck.

  3. You should practice just keeping your eyes open and getting close to your eye with your finger.  You're going to have to be able to hold your lids open and keep them from blinking--there's no way around that.  Make sure your hands are clean and dry.  Hold open your lids tightly and make sure you can't blink.  Look to your nose and gently touch the white part of your eye.  

    When you are actually putting in the contact, line it up in the mirror but then look towards your nose.  That way you won't see it coming towards you and you'll be less likely to blink.  Put the contact on the white part of the eye and slowly look towards it so it will center.  Make sure that you are consciously thinking about holding your lids tightly so they don't slip.

    Have someone watch you do it and let you know if your eyes are open enough and you are aiming correctly.  Keep trying!  It gets easier.  :)
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