
Contact lens question??

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Me and my friend both wear contacts...both monthly, but recently her eyes have been going all blood shot and sore, she toldme shes wore them for over a month...what are the effects of wearing monthlys too much?

thanx :) x




  1. Obviously the eyes can dry out which is harmful over time. I believe the lens can act like a secondary cornea too and make the actual cornea weakened.

    I used to wear extended lenses for 2 weeks at a time and never wore glasses but my eyes began to hurt and felt tired all the time and were bloodshot, so I took the lenses out and went to glasses and my eyes hurt for months! It scared me so much I've never gone back to contacts.

    If I were to wear extended now, I'd get the newer ones with lots of water in them that allow a lot of oxygen flow to the eye.

    Take care of your eyes, you only get 1 pair.

  2. Also there is a greater risk in getting infected by monthly contact lenses than the two-week contacts.   Tell her to see to it she cleans them properly!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Contacts are designed to only be worn a certain amount of time, but some can get a longer wear by cleaning them correctly. Taking them out every night and giving their eyes a chance to breath.

    If her eyes are getting blood shot she should change them at the appointed time. It can cause conjunctivitis if she don't take care of them. I have also seen vision damage by wearing too long. Meaning the eye site gets worse. Also eye ulcers, which are painful.

    Really, she needs to change them and not try and stretch the time worn.

  4. u shouldnt wear them for that long .she must not rub her eyes as they will get sore

  5. This is most likely caused by two things:

    1. Her eyes need to breath and she's probably not taking the lenses out for enough hours during each day.

    2.  Being as the lenses are made to last 1 month only, and they are older than that, they have a protein buildup on them.  Everyone's eyes naturally produce protein, and it adheres to the lenses.  Every night when you clean your lenses, some of that protein is removed, but it is impossible to completely remove it.  Over time, the left over protein builds up more and more.  The protein affects the breathability of the lense, and whatever oxygen that should be able to get through the lense can't.  

    These two things cause the blood vessels in your eyes to enlarge because your body needs to get more blood to the eyes some way, and larger vessels means it can send more blood to the eye.  But this cause blood shot eyes, and if left long enough, can cause serious problems with your retinas.  In serious cases, vision can be affected.  Not only that, but her doctor  would most likely recommend that she not wear contacts at all ever anymore if the damage gets too bad.

  6. my eyes were also like that before... i used a colored lens before... and i need to use my contacts for like 10 hours a day because of school... and my contact's limit was only about 3 months... i wore them for about 4 months... and in the 4th month, my eyes always feels uncomfortable... sometime it becomes blood shot... sometimes i even feel like there is a grain of sand in my eyes coz' of my contacts... it is because contacts should only be used untill the time limit of using...

  7. I went to the eye doctor last month and he lectured me on wearing my contacts for too long (I wear them over 10 hours a day sometimes).  Your eyes need to breath so you need to give them a break and take out those contacts every now and then..also, they are probably dirty. My advice, go to the eye doctor, take those suckers out now, get a new pair and give your eyes a rest.

  8. Once when I overwore my contacts I got an infection. Your friend needs to throw those contacts out and probably if they are still red see the eye doctor. I had to wait a week before I could wear contacts again.

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