
Contact lens solution?

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Do you recommend Alcon Replenish or the Bausch and Lomb solution?




  1. if you use RGPs I suggest to use B&L Boston

    is teh best brand outhere and my favorite.

  2. I have used the Baush and Lomb,but all it did was burn my eyes and cause irritation so I switched to Opti-Free and I use that all the time now.

  3. I've  been wearing contacts for 10 years, I've never had a problem with alcon until I used replenish. I guess I have pretty sensitive eyes because when I used replenish my eyes became itchy, red and painful. After a few days I went to the eye dr. and it turns out it caused me to have a serious eye infection which left an ulcer in my eye.

    Basically, what I'm saying is if you have sensitive eyes don't use replenish.

  4. bausch&lomb

  5. Tried different solutions and I will use nothing but Opti Free.  It is gentle on my eyes and has not been recalled since I've been wearing contacts.

    Use whatever your doctor recommended to you and if that solution is not working for you, let the doctor know so that he or she can change your solution.

  6. Both are good, both do the job.

    It depends which one you feel most comfortable with. Some people have reactions to one brand but not the other....sometimes to then you try another brand.

    Try getting a small size bottle to start, and see if it works well for you...of whichever brand.

  7. Use what your od recommends unless you have a reaction to it. The office I worked for recommended opti free. Fewer patients had reactions to it and it cleaned lenses the best.
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