For a bit of history, I wore contact lenses successfully until the summer before this when I got a corneal ulcer in my left eye. I got medicine for it, and I gave it ample time to heal by wearing my glasses all the time for about 3 months afterwards, and by the fall I was back to wearing them everyday for 11 or 12 hours. By early winter, my eyes turned very red with this pattern, and I was told by my opthmalogist that since the ulcer, my eyes have begun to "reject lenses." He told me that I should wear my glasses more and try Acuvue Oasys contacts once I was better.
I now wear Acuvue Oasys lenses only 3-4 times a week for 9 hours or less, and I use Aquify solution. This seems to be working fairly well, but are there any other solutions you know of that are very good for eyes which have such a history?