
Contact lens??Pls someone help...?

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I'm wearing regular soft contact coloured lenses (1 year).I just purchased it one and a half month ago.However one day i saw that my left lens got dry.Immediately after seeing that i poured the lens solution on it and then the lens got into its normal position but now i'm not able to wear the lens.Whenever i wear left eye lens it comes out of my eye and doesn't fits to eyeball properly as it used to do before.There are some solution bubbles when i open the lens cover..does it mean some infection?i used to change the solution after every three days.

Also i'm not able to see the correct position of my lens.I'm using freshlook lenses.

Pls someone help as the lenses are costly and i purchased them wid my pocket money.




  1. It happened to me before i think there was a mistake in the factory. Contacts are not perfect sometimes they tend to be messed up because they were not made properly in the factory. Throw it out and use a new one. And try to use the solution everyday at least put a new solution for the night. And you don't have to buy those expensive solutions get a big one for a dollar or two from jewel. They all work the same. Don't worry about it just keep everything clean :)

  2. One thing: change the solution daily. I cannot tell you how much more comfortable the lenses are. I know solution is pricey, but these are YOUR eyes we're talking about. And coloured lenses are much more uncomfortable than just clear, because of the chemicals with which it has been treated. Just soak the left lens for a few days without uncapping it, and wash it again thoroughly in your hand before you wear it (with clean hands of course). It will be fine. This happens a lot, not just with coloured, too. Also, keep the lenses away from tap water. If while washing your face or taking a shower the water may have penetrated through the lens and make things very painful for the eye.

  3. First of all, never ever EVER use the same solution more than once!! Just think, you wash it, leave the dirt/bacteria whatever in there and then you're putting the lense back in!!

    Second, you should go to a doctor. The same thing happened to me last week, every time I would put the lense in my eye would get red and teary and i can't open turned out to be an infection.  So, you should go see a doctor.

    Be careful

    Good Luck

  4. Fresh look lenses are a 2-week disposable lens - you should not be over-wearing this i.e. 1 and half months, as this increases risk of infection.  Solutions MUST be changed every day - the very bad fungal infection of Fusarium about a year ago that broke out and caused Bausch and Lomb to remove a solution from the market, was primarily due to improper reuse of solutions.  Also, although sometimes after a soft lens has dried out, the rehydration of the lens with solution lets the lens return to proper shape, many times the lens will not return to the proper shape which certainly can be the case here.


    Dr. Maller

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