
Contact lense advice?

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the lenses i've been wearing have dug into the cornea, leaving a slight rim. my optician believes a softer lense may be better so is trying one out, and also the size of the lenses may be too small. if it turns out that different kinds of lenses make no difference (and my eyes are healthy in other respects) could this mean I am allergic to lenses, and thus unable to wear them?




  1. I'd think about seeing another contact lens specialist - yours should have measured your eyes correctly in the first place and you can then ask all the questions you like. I have been with Boots opticians for years and can happily recommend them - my contact lense guy tried several before we settled on one and now I need bifocals he even managed to get that sorted out, with a little trial and error.

  2. An allergy to the lenses wouldn't really have anything to do with creating an indentation on your cornea.

    That is caused by the lens being too tight.

    You would have to wait several days without lenses for that indentation to completely disappear before trying to find others that will fit.. They will just keep sitting on that groove.

    It sounds like you need a lot flatter curve than what they are trying on you.

    The keratometer readings measure a very small spot on your cornea, and that is what the recommended curvature is based on, but the occaissional person will have a big change in the curvature of the cornea outside of that spot.

    You may require a much flatter base curve than what the readings suggest...that happens.

    Trial and error are sometimes the only way to find the right one if you are one of those with very irregular curvatures.

    With the wide range of base curves and materials available, there must be one that will work...the trick is to find it. That's where an experienced fitter can make the difference.

    But, of course, it is hard to diagnose over the internet without actually having seen the complete problem, but I'm just basing this on experience with previous patients who had similar problems....and are fine now.

  3. No, you won't have to stop wearing contacts but you may have to wear a different material of contacts. Don't panic yet, there are a lot of different brands, materials, and sizes out there!
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