
Contact lenses, HELP!!!?

by  |  earlier

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okay, so i bought a pair of contacts from my friend. she said you cant clean the contacts or they'll ruin, and the contacts clean themselves. she also said they last for at the longest 7 years. and theyre soft lenses. i dont know what to do? oh yeah, and they're only 10 help? is this true?? or should i clean them anyway?? do they REALLY last for 7 years?




  1. you bought contacts from your friend?

    that is so bad! you dont know if this is your prescription, and if not (most likely not) it will definetly damage your eyes and give you a headache. you better return them for a refund (what was your friend thinking?) or throw em away

    that is not safe

    if you want contacts, go to the opthamolagist and get a contact lens exam for your own contacts!

  2. Wow, that is really really dangerous, I'm not sure where she's getting her "info", but contacts need *daily* cleaning, last anywhere from 1 day to 30 depending on the brand and make, and you really need to get fit by your own doctor, not your buddy's left overs.

  3. DONT DO IT!

    im an optical specialist. i work with contacts everyday!

    there are so many types of contacts and brands. and a 7 year contact doesnt exist.

    there are daily disposables weekly bi weekly monthly and ONE year.

    there is no such thing as 7.

    and to the not being able to clean them??


    contacts are stored in solution. you can simply put the contact on your palm and squirt solution on your hand and GENTLY rub. thats how you clean them. not with water not with soap. CONTACT SOLUTION.

    please dont trust anything that doesnt come out of a doctors office.....

    if you want plano contacts with no prescription go to your optometrist. if you need contacts with prescription...GO TO YOUR OPTOMETRIST!

    for your own safety and health please consult an optometrist.

    simple as that.

    and i wear the bi weekly j&j av.oasys. THEY ARE AMAZING.

    if you have any more questions feel free to email me.

  4. Most likely not. If they last for 7 years, the contacts company would go out of business. Some contacts last for a day or a week. NOT 7 YEARS.

  5. I work as an ophthalmic tech and you should NEVER use anyone Else's contacts.  They were fit to the shape of her eye and the power of correction.  You should throw them away and see an ophthalmologist yourself.  Oh and they should be cleaned everyday, soaked in solution they also have weekly cleansers and they DON'T last 7 years.  At the most 6 weeks depending on brand. Your friend obviously has no idea what she is talking about and not consulting an eye dr before wearing contacts can be very very dangerous. You must know the correct way of wearing and taking care of them.

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