
Contact lenses/ No cleaning solution?

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Is it possible to put contacts in purified water? I'm so broke right now, I can't afford cleaning solution for a few days. Someone help!




  1. o all viewers of this Forum. Hello to all viewers of this Forum. Hello to all viewers of this Forum.

    I am by name called Engr.Osvaldo.D. I am a lab technical expert in cleaning of black note.

    I have all required S.S.D. Chemical / Solution

    I just discovered this forum, over a week ago. I was very astonish to hear that people impersonate to be Technical Expert and then seal money from people to a limit where they make the owner of this Blank Black Note frustrated, this I must pronounce is very ungodly act.

    Even must recent comment from the forum, I hear people commenting that this Blank Black Note is a Africa Scam, this are mostly made by frustrated client that are not dealing with the right Expert in the Lab Industry.

    We as a legitimate Company work on 10% percent of the total amount we are to clean up for our clear, take not that the proceeding Technical staff that will be assigned by my order as the Heard of Department, to your Country home for the cleaning up of the note, he will also be coming with the Chemical and also the powder spray, that is to say, you would need not to buy any Chemical and so on for any reason, the only thing that we are going to need to purchase is just some formula XPF Tablet 500g this tablet can only been fund by prescription of a Lab Technical Expert.

    I want you people who think that Blank Black Note is African Scam to know one thing that remains unturned, what ever has original surly has a fake.

    So if you have this note mine only advice is that you try to send use two sample of your Blank Black Note so that we can make done a Lab test to know if you have the real note.

    I suggest you make an urgent contact with me by the below contact.

    Contacts details:

    Auditing Department of Pacific Global Solution Laboratory
    South Africa Office: Video Town North park view estate plot 679 Pretoria.
    Tel: 00278 703 2463 (Or) Fax: 0027086 668 7978
    P.M.B: 1679.
    Alternative email:

    Best Regards.

    Contact the professional in the cleaning of black dollars Pacific Global Solution Laboratory today for your clean up!!!

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