
Contact lenses animal testing?

by  |  earlier

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most manufacturers use animal tests, apparently. but how? and why? surely once a lens has been devised, there is no need to test every batch? is it when new models are created?

i know this is an emotive subject, and i myself am opposed to animal tests - so please no hysteria on either side for now!




  1. in order to develop any drug or treatment it must (by law) be tested on animals and then people to make sure it is safe, the tests are more or less strictly regulated (depending on what country it takes place in) so that animals are not caused undue suffering or pain. Once a treatment has been developed and tested however, they don't really need to be tested on animals any more, its just part of the development process. Before any animals are used, they also must be able to show the expected results - what they think will happen, including any possible side effects, and also that this couldn't be shown or tested without the use of animals.

    When you are buying cosmetics etc, it is better to use those not tested on animals because there are alternatives, but often (especially in the case of medicenes) this is not the case and there is no alternative. I wear contact lenses, and although early contacts were tested in animals I'm pretty sure mine are not tested on animals anymore. I would not turn down a life saving drug just because it was once tested on animals, nor would I wish to prevent anyy pets being given a pain killer (for example) that was developed using animal testing. But I wouldn't want to let a sick relative suffer due to the side effects of an untested drug. It sounds callous but the modernn world simply would not exist without the prevelance of modern medicine and drugs developed using animal testing.

  2. animals are used to test lenses b/c animals will wear contact lenses

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