
Contact lenses question?!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 13, and have short eyesight. I used to wear glasses then I stopped and now I want to get contact lenses. When I told my mom in the beginning (I was 11 and 12) she told me I'm wayyyy to young and I can't until I'm 15. But now, I'm beginning to see a lot of 12 and 13 year olds getting them so my mom said ok she'll see. I want to get green ones, but I'm wondering how long I can keep one lense on for, how many come in a box, and the average cost. And are the clear lenses the same thing? Do they hurt while putting them on/taking them off? Do they really make your eyesight better, like glasses or less?

Any other tips or comments are welcome, but only nice and no rude answers please :)))





  1. I have been tryng to wear contacts for a few montsh and I just can't get used to them. I never had a problem with putting them on or taking them off, and my eyes don't hurt, but I can't see as well as i do with glasses, and I always touch my eyes....

    So it just doesn't work for some people. I am still wearing them though and hoping I will get used to them. Oh and btw they had to change my prescribtion 3 times untill I could atually see with them....well I hope they work for you. :)

  2. well I wear contacts and their better then glasses...they dont hurt going in unless your fingers are dirty or you have a tear. i can keep my contacts for like 6 months without getting new ones but doctors say they recomend 3 months then change but we all know three months is a short time. uhm i get my contacts for 35 bucks to 25 but i live in S.A and the good contacts cost around 100 something. Contacts do help you see only the perscribe ones of course but i havent seen alot of results since ive worn them.

    hope i could help.:)

  3. I have contacts and i can't imagine my life without them.

    The vision that you have isn't as good as with glasses but it's still good.

    The cost depends on the type you get. There are daily, weekly, fornightly, monthly and year disposal ones. For prescription lenses i suggest just clear ones. After using them for awhile you'll get used to putting them in and taking them out. At first they do feel a little strange and they might hurt but it won't be long before you forget that you're even wearing them. I've heard that they aren't very good for your eyes so i suggest alternating between glasses and contacts to give your eyes a rest.

    I hope this helps you.


  4. The colored contacts are usually ones you can wear from 2 weeks to a month at a time before you need another one (depending on which brand you get).  Six usually come in one box.  So if you have 2 different prescriptions in ea. eye usually 4 boxes an eye would equal a one year's supply.  THe most depends where you go.  At a Lenscrafters they will be much higher than like a Wal-Mart or a Sam's club.

    You will have an appt. w/ someone who will help you put them in and take them out, teach you about proper care..  you'll probably start to wear them for 4 hrs the first day,  hrs, the next and so on and so forth until you're used to them.  They don't hurt, but youre eyes will be irritated b/c they are not used to them - that will come with time and practice!

    Hope that helps you out! :)



  5. I'm 24 and had mine since i was 16 i cant live without them..Everyone has different shaped eyes so depending on that depends on if and when you can get used to them.  At first it is hard to put them in or take out as its your eyes natural reaction to try and blink them away, after a while this stops.

    My eye sight has become better since using them my prescription hasn't changed in 4 years yet my glasses used to change every 6 months.

    At the end of the day its up to your eyes whether or not you will get on with them its its always worth a try i say  (ask your optician first though some do not argree with under 16's having them)

    Good luck..

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