
Contact lenses will not stick??

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I’m having trouble getting my contacts in. They will not stick to my pupil! I have them on the right side and i wet them b4 i put them in. I get them in my eye but the will not stick onto my pupil. I got them in once but i can’t do it again! What are some tips for me getting them to stick?

ALSO: Can non-prescribed or prescribed contacts damage your eyes in any way? Is it unhealthy?




  1. Tips: Make sure you hold your eye open ALL THE WAY.

    seriously, don't let it close up.

    Your eye could be a little dried out from opening it so much to get the contact in.  try closing your eyes or washing your eyes out.  Anything to moisturize it.

    Make sure your hands are completely clean.  Wash your hands good.  

    Lastly, make sure that your contact hasn't dried out.  It could dry out from not being in the solution for a while.  dip it back into the solution every once in a while to keep it moist.

    And no, non-prescribed contacts cannot damage your eyes.  But if the prescribed ones are too strong, it could do some damage.

    Good Luck!

  2. Make sure your finger is dry and the contact is wet like you have; put a drop of solution right in it.  Looking in the mirror, position the contact in front of your eye and then look towards your nose.  Push the contact gently (but with enough pressure to push out any bubbles) onto the white part of your (sclera).  Then SLOWLY look towards the contact and it should get onto your cornea.  Look around slowly before you blink and then SLOWLY close your eye.  And like others have said, make sure you keep your eye open real wide and hold those lids tight.  Also, the contact doesn't stick to your pupil, it sticks to your cornea. ;)

    Non-prescribed contacts are bad for your eyes because it means you didn't get them from a doctor.  Therefore they are probably not a good fit for you, which can be irritating.  It also increases your risk of getting an infection because you don't know where those contacts came from.  They cannot, however, damage your eye, especially your retina, which they will never get close to.  Prescribed contacts from an eye care professional will not damage your eye.  Soft contacts drape over your cornea more than have any effect on shaping it.

  3. maybe if you used another brand it will work (as not all contacts are made with the same materials)

    also the contact lens will only damage your eye if it is either dirty or torn

  4. Non-prescribed contacts that were not fit for you by a licensed optician can be very harmful and could result in retinal scarring, something that could blind you.

    Are you absolutely positive you have them flipped right?  Mine are virtually impossible to tell apart and I just have to go by trial and error.  

    I have to blink several times after I put mine in for them to adhere.  

    How exactly do you put yours in right now?

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