
Contacts are really uncomfortable on me?

by  |  earlier

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i just got them for the first time and the are bothering the c**p outta me. dunno what to do. they just dont feel right. could the op could of gave me the wrong size???




  1. Probaly your eyes aren't used to them yet. But when i first got mine it doesnt bother me. It feels perfectly fine. You should talk to your eye doctor about that.

    Some people eyes are more sensitive than other so try the really soft lense ones.

  2. you might just not be used to them, but if they keep bugging you you should go back to the doctor.  they could give you a different brand that allows more air through or check the fit (eyes are very sensitive and everyone's are a different shape etc!).  you could also try some rewetting drops (make sure they are right for your contacts-- call the doc & ask if you don't know which to use)-- my contacts bug me a lot this time of year from the allergies/pollens etc & the drops help.  also make sure to follow the instructions on cleaning and give your eyes a good long break without contacts everyday so they can "breathe" (and of course don't sleep in them-- otherwise they could cause serious eye damage!

  3. I don't know what type of lenses you are wearing but with regular soft contact lenses, you should feel pretty comfortable the first time you put them in. The big advantage to them over hard lenses is that they don't require a breaking in period. Perhaps your eyes are too dry for the lenses or you have a sensitivity to the material they were made of. I would suggest going back to your eyecare professional and trying a different brand and see if that helps.

  4. Maybe the fitting is not welll fitted. get the fitting done again

  5. It takes time to get used to contacts. After about a week though, they should have settled in. You should be scheduled for an appointment over the next few weeks anyways, so if they are still bugging you, just bring it up then. It is normal for some minor discomfort, but if you're experiencing pain, take them out right away. Also, make sure they're not inside out and that they're clean! But, if they just keep causing you pain, go back to the office whenever you get the chance. They are most likely not the wrong size, as that would have probably been noticed, but its still a possibility.

  6. Did you put them on the right way..?

    I sometimes put mine in backwards and they really bother me.

    Make sure they are put in the right way.

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