
Contacts dried up.. Need to re-hydrate them..and fast! [no I cant get another one]?

by Guest63996  |  earlier

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Okay so last night I was sleepy and I took my contacts out and one's fine but the other dried up and folded, It folded loosely, so it didn't stick together though. so I put it back in the case with the liquid hoping it will re-hydrate. I can do fine without them for a day..or half of one, but I need tips on re-hydrating it! x.x Be serious please, I can't get another pair--I only had this pair of contacts and I got a couple weeks to go before I get the actual box..




  1. i dont understand "re-hydrating" it. just put it in the solution. as long as its not completely dried out like a raisin it should be fine. you should be able to tell within a few seconds if its gonna go back to normal.

  2. Well, all you can do it leave it in the solution for 6 hours or so, and see if it goes back to normal...if you are lucky, it will.

    There is no other way to rehydrate it except letting it soak for the time it takes.

    If after 6 hours it is still crinkled or out of won't get any better..and can't be worn

    Maybe your eye Dr. could get you a trial lens to hold you over until you get yours, if it doesn't go back to normal.

    I say 6 hours because that is the usual time it takes to disinfect it again at the same time.

  3. She should be ok. Just let it sit and soak for a lil bit. Hopefully the lil bugger didn't tear ... you know it's all over with if it did.

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