
Contacts for astigmatism and bifocals?

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Does anyone know of a brand of contacts that sells contacts for astigmatism AND bifocals (working at the same time)? If so please let me know. Thanks.




  1. bifocal contacts would be an amazing invention,but you would have to put them in just right.

  2. Proclear multifocal toric.  Go to your doctor, he or she will be able to assist you properly.  

  3. Proclear Multifocal Toric. These work well for the majority of people our Doctor fits in them who have astigmatism and need a multifocal correction.. You need to make sure you find a Doctor that is well versed in fitting these, though because they can be tricky.

  4. Like the others have said, Proclear Multifocal Toric OR there is also Ultravue and Cibasoft. There are only a few out there, but they do make them!

    How it works is that the lens is toric, which has "weights" that make them turn to the right axis when put on your eye. Then, the bifocal part will be either at the bottom of that portion of the lens, or around the perimeter of the lens to give you the near vision you need at the same time.

    Just ask your eye doc for a recommendation - they know about all kinds of them! They also make them in RGP's (hard lenses) too.

  5. i dont think it would work, as when you look down the contact also moves down....

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