
Contacts lens becomes blurry and eyes go red after an hour of use.?

by  |  earlier

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I have worn contact lens for ten years. For the past year, I have noticed that my right lens becomes blurry after about an hour or two of wear. My eye also becomes really red. It only happens in my right eye that I have astigmatism in. This even occurs when I put in a new lens. I have tried new solutions and everything, but the problem continues to happen. I find it really weird that when I first put it in, the lens is fine and clear and gradually becomes blurry to the point that I am constantly trying to blink it back into place. I would appreciate any help.




  1. U shd get advice from ur eye doc. this might be becos u r not suitable to the contact lenses, the solution or the combination of two.

  2. Well, it could be many different things, and should be addressed by your Doctor! I would really have them look at you!

  3. Please see your eye doctor as soon as you can. You only have two eyes, so treat them kindly!

  4. Perhaps the two brands of contact lenses' water content % or thickness are different, and your eye needs time to adjust.

    Best to consult an eye doctor =)

    Anyways, Im selling cosmetic/colored lenses for US$15 a pair, 1-year lasting, authentic(certificates available to show), and willing to supply for lower rates as well :) Please take a look~ Its at

  5. Two possibilites come to mind.  

    1)  You have developed a condition called GPC.  Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis.  This is an autoimmune disorder that causes the tissue (conjunctiva) underneath your upper lid to develop Big (giant) Bumps (papillae).  This condition stimulates the tissue to produce excessive mucous which then coats the contact lens and cause it to become blurry and it tends to move inappropriately on the eye with the blink.

    2)  You have developed dry eye in the affected eye.

    My bet, based upon your description, is GPC.  Go in and let your doc take a look.

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