
Contacts or glasses?

by Guest67096  |  earlier

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In a situation were my eyesight is impaired because that my right eye has weaker vision that is blurry and i can't read well but i can see objects fine,

and my left eye is normal, would glasses or contacts be better?

I already wear glasses wear on lens is thicker than the other (the right one is thicker)




  1. Go for contacts! Glasses can be a major pain, as some people know. With sports, breaking, and all kinds of issues, glasses sometimes don't work well.

    If your left eye is normal, you can probably just get contacts for your right eye. I'm not sure, but you can check with your eye doctor.

    I wear contacts, and have no problem!

    Good luck!

  2. I would go with contacts, unless you have some onderlying problem that prevents their use .  You will see better, and will find it easier in the long run. Plus contacts can actually slow the degeneration of your eyesight.

    I wore them for 20 years and never had a problem
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