
Contacts prescription high?

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im 13 years old and my prescription on my contacts are -5.75 last year they were -4.0, i have talked to a eye person. and they said it was normal but i still feel like this is a very high prescription for my age and that it might be getting worse. i just got my eyes checked about a month ago and it hasent changed yet because of the short time but will it keep getting worse?




  1. It is impossible to say if it will get worse but yes your prescription is quite high. It may go higher because you are still quite young but it is very hard to predict. My prescription was stable for years and then jumped by minus 2 in my early  thirties but I know people who have had virtually the same prescription since they were 13 or 14. Eyes can be very unpredictable things. The most important thing is to take good care of your eyes and probably give your eyes a rest from contacts every so often. It may not be a very appealing option to wear glasses when you are 13 but it is sensible to do it once in a while because sooner or later every contact lens wearer will develop some pesky infection that means you can't wear them for a while (however well you care for your contacts).

  2. Your eyes will start to level out soon. My vision became bad about the same age. -5.75 is not bad I have a friend who is -20 something. Be glad you can wear contacts because some peoples vision is so bad that they can't wear contacts and have to wear extreme cokebottle glasses.

    Trust your doctor, remember he went to school for many years to study this, and has seen thousands of other patients. He has a good idea on what is normal and what the outcomes are likely to be.

  3. hey ashley, well im 24 and my vision is 4.0 and 3.0... big difference i know.. i cant answer your quesiton im not the best or most educated in this area..but i do know that its normal when youre growing for your vision to fluctuate.. 24 and my vision still does it..upseting and frustrating.. i know...hopefully someone can answer the rest of your question.. in the meantime.. if you're not big into eating your veggies..then go to a vitamin store or even wal mart and ask your mom and dad to buy you some eye vitamins..i'm sure they will.its for your health afterall..sunglasses are always a good thing whenever u go out..and ever strain your eyes..

  4. Your perscription will eventually stabilize to be similar to that of your parents. I'm 14 years old, and I've got -5.50 in both eye and a minor amount of astigmatism (so minor it's not correctable, there are no glasses for such a low astigmatism and it's really bothering me). There is no high and low for any age. I know a kid, 15 years old, that has -10.25, so I don't think you have anything to worry about. Basically, your perscription change will start slowing down and stabilizing, eventually coming to a complete halt at about age 21. If you still have any concerns then, as always, you should speak to your local optometrist.

  5. I don't think there is a standard "schedule" for rate of vision getting worse vs age, I think it varies widely from person to person. Typically your vision will stabilize when you are about 20 or so. If the only thing wrong with your eyes is the refractive error, there is no need to worry, you might need stronger lenses, but won't go blind or anything like that.

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