
Contacts vs Glasses!!!?

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ive always worn glasses since like the 5th grade...

i want to switch to contacts but have a few qs first:

Are there contact lenses where you can wear them for upto a year without buying new ones?

How often do you have to get new contact lenses?

Are they expensive?




  1. i just got my first set of contacts today. i have had glasses since third grade. i love them.

    when you buy contacts, they give you boxes of them. usually you get a six month supply. you change sets every two weeks.

    you usually have to get more every six months (as stated above) but you can just get more online at 1800contacts and they will mail them to you.

    most of them are about the same price as glasses. some of the more advanced kind might be slightly more expensive. usually they are cheaper if you get them online but you have to go to the doctor for a perscription for them first.

  2. Well i wear glasses and I wanna get contacts.

    those ones in the store are like 25$

    i heard.

  3. There are contacts that are not disposable that will last you a year..BUT my eye doctor told me they're not easy to find because they're not really being made anymore, reason being disposable contacts are better when it comes to bacteria and's so much better to have a pair that you can just throw out so little bits of bacteria don't store up on them. The most commonly used disposable contact lenses are monthly ones. 1-800-Contacts --my aunt says she gets hers from here and she gets 3 pairs for $30..I get coloured ones which cost about $70 per pair (Clearly Colors).  

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