
Contacts vs. Glasses????

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i was wondering what the difference in glasses and contacts was. Price included which is cheaper and which is better?




  1. I'm not sure about the price, but contacts are way better than glasses.  I've been wearing contacts since junior high and it's been great.  You don't have worry about contacts shattering to pieces and they're very comfortable.  Glasses are uncomfortable; you have to keep pushing them up on the birdge of your nose which is a pain in the @**.  I hate glasses cause they make me look all uglier and look like a dork.

  2. I have no clue how to answer the price question, but I like glasses better because I don't like the feeling of putting a contact on my eye. It really depends on what you would feel more comfortable wearing, and putting on.

  3. Contacts are cheaper than glasses.

    Glasses get in the way of daily activities. I like to run and do sports and my glasses were in the way.

  4. I'm 40 years old and started wearing contact lenses about a year ago and they are the best thing ever. I still need to have glasses to wear 1 or 2 days a week. I'm using daily disposable lenses so there's no hassle. I live in UK and get my lenses from ASDA, 30 days supply is only £21. the best thing you'll notice is when it rains and you can still see with contacts.

  5. I like contacts better, they don't get in the way and you have more perifial vision. And they also don't get dirty, like glasses do.

  6. i prefer contacts

    at first it might feel really weird to put them in, but you get used to it.

    u barely feel them, you have ur perifial vision, and you can play sports better, in my opinion.

    as for cost

    it depends on what kind of glasses you get.

    and if you have astigmatism, or want colored contacts.

    they are about the same price wise, contacts maybe a bit more, but about the same, cosidering all the variables

    hope i helped :]

  7. Based on my experiences, glasses are cheaper in the long run because you don't have to buy solutions, eyedrops, or storage cases. However, glasses do have the disadvantages of sliding down your nose, getting broken, having the screws pop out at the worst possible times, cutting into the tops of your ears, pinching your nose, fogging up, and getting dirty. Contacts do have the advantages of being lighter, no worries about fogging up, and no risks of breaking or falling off. However their disadvantages include eye irritation, excrutiating pain when an eyelash or other foreign object gets under them, ripping at the edges, eye dryness, and being able to absorb smoke or toxic fumes.

    Whatever you choose should be considered by what you feel is best for you.

  8. overall glasses are MUCH cheaper.  you don't have to keep buying new glasses every so many weeks or months.  contacts are a hassle.  you have to take really good care of them and it takes a little time.  glasses are super easy and a one time cost.  contacts can be about $10-$70 or more per box.  a box can last a number of days, weeks or months depending on the type.  contacts are good if you have the good perscription.  mine is wrong so i can't say which is better

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