
Contacts vs glasses?

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Can they make glasses stronger than contacts?

Ex your vision is 20/100 w/o correction

with contacts it gets up to 20/60

could glasses get it to 20/50?




  1. Usually if we can't get you corrected to 20/20, there is a medical reason for it, like keratoconus in which case we can correct your vision better with RGP (rigid gas permeable) contacts. The only other thing I can tell you is if you have a small amount of astigmatism, we might not correct that in soft contacts, but we would in glasses, but it wouldn't make a difference in your visual acuity.

  2. This question confuses me because why are you only getting 20/60 with contacts? What type of contacts are you wearing and do you have astigmatism in your prescription. Both glasses and contact should theoretically get you to 20/20. If you're not, there's an underlining cause to why you're not getting 20/20.
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