
Contemplating a career change help!?

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Ok here's the deal.

I am currently working for a printing company doing general admin/ sales type work and I hate it!

The pay is crappy, my boss is an a*****e and I have to travel a good hour every morning to get there.

I am planning on sticking around till christmas to get my christmas bonus then I want to look for something else.

Before I landed this job I was working part time at my local grocery store just as a check out clerk and it was actually a job I really enjoyed and I would really love to go back there to work full time.

Only thing is my father was really happy with me when I got an office type job, as he is a management type figure for a tanker company and I know he will be disappointed in me for going back to being a check out clerk. I also worry what people I know will think when they find out that two years after school has ended I'm still at the local supermarket.

It sucks because I know I can go for a more reputable job like something in an office but its not what I want. I enjoy being on my feet and interracting with customers all day.

So the big question is do I make everybody proud and go for another office job somewhere or do I make myself happy and go back to the old job I enjoyed?




  1. simple -- you spend 1/3 of you life working -- do something YOU enjoy!!!

  2. Make yourself happy and go the end the only person that should matter is yourself! Depending on how long you've been at the supermarket, see if you can be in a management type position so you have more pay and authority but you can still interact with customers and be in that environment.

  3. You can't let other people live your life for you. Do what makes you happy! Who knows, maybe you will end up running the supermarket if you work hard enough and have the right attitude.

  4. Explain to your father that the pay was better, and that you were happier doing your job at the supermarket.  If you really enjoyed that job you can advance into management there.  All you have to do is go back and ask for your job again.  There are many things less noble than helping people feed their families.  Explain it to him that way.  Tell him that people need to eat, and someone has to be there when the money is taken in.  You sound like a people person.  Go with that.  And, forget about the Christmas bonus.  Give your notice if you can get your job back, and go for what makes you happy.  There's nothing wrong with being in a service-related business.  If you don't want to quit the printing company until after the first of the year, go back part time and work at the grocery store on the weekends.  That's when they are busiest anyway.  Then you can work into full-time status when you quit the other job.

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