
Continental Academy..... I need HELP!! please....?

by Guest629  |  earlier

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Can someone please give me the answers to the Continental Academy Fast Track program?! I had 4 credits left of my local high school and my dad had his own electric business and had a emergency job out of town, I went with him because he desperately needed help, and didn't have the time to finish the 4 credits before school was out. Please. If anyone has the answers, I will be forever grateful!




  1. Guest55592

    What is the user ID to continental academy





  2. I graduated from the Fast Track Program in 2005 and it was awesome. I don’t understand what another person said about the Continental Academy diploma being worthless. I have had absolutely no problems at all. I graduated with my Associate’s degree in Graphic Design and currently working towards my dream of working at Apple in the future. Believe me, not everyone in college has a SACS diploma. To earn a SACS diploma, you need to be in school for three to four years and it will cost you $2,000 to $3,000. My friend paid $2,000 for an online SACS high school program which took him almost three years to finish. When he graduated he went to the Navy and the Navy would NOT accept his diploma.  SACS is a private company, not a government agency. I would recommend for people to go to the high school that they like to earn a high school diploma NOT a GED.

  3. Even if someone gave you all the answers it wouldn't mean much because their diploma is worthless. I know because I got my diploma after they lost their accreditation with SACS and got denied by 2 college. Your better of getting a GED.

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