
Continuance? What is it?

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I have a friend who was raped by a stranger. He was charged with two F1 counts of rape, one F1 count of kidnapping and one F2 count of felonious assault. She doesnt like to talk about it, so I never know what's going on with the trial except by checking public record. The other day he went to trial, but all that seemed to come out of it is a "continuance" and a new date for a trial in september. Why might this happen and what does it mean? Thanks




  1. If the defense asks for a continuance it is usually so they have more time to put their case together. They will usually be granted it if the docket is full and the judge/jury to not see the need for the trail to begin immediately. But unless the person is granted bail they will be sitting in jail.

  2. It means that the rapist's attorneys have succeeded in delaying justice by having the trial put off for a couple of months.

  3. There are numerous reasons for a "continuance" which can come from the defense or the prosecution.

    If there was evidence sent to the forensics may not have been completely worked and returned to the prosecutor yet. As such the prosecution would ask for a continuance.

    If the defense attorney hasn't had a chance to talk to potential witnesses that would provide information benefiting the defendant...they would ask for a continuance.

    Of course, there are times where defense lawyers try to make time pass by so that some witnesses and victims become frustrated with the system and drop charges or accept plea bargains.

    Tell your friend to hang in there and be a GOOD friend to her by being there to listen to her!

    Best wishes.

  4. The docket was overloaded, someone did not show up, such as a lawyer or a witness or the case was bumped for a more advanced, important or older case or the lawyers filed paperwork claiming they needed more time to prep for the case. It could be any number of things

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