
Continuation of Husband having an affair..We live in Germany.?

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I have also failed to say that I am a military wife and we are stationed in Germany.I gave up everything in the states and I am no spring chicken.I am 41 years old.This is my 1st marriage and his 2nd.




  1. Come back to the states, and start a new life. 41 is still young. you can start over.  If he is cheating he will always cheat.  Find your family and friends and go home.

  2. Once a cheater always a cheater. Been there done that. Trust your in stinks, So go back to the States and live your life. Did he cheat on his first wife?? Is that why your #2?

  3. I'm young but I moved to the US from Germany about 4 years ago and my dad which was very close to me still lives there.. I say leave him bc I know how it feels like having to give up everything, idk if you had to but learning a new language and everything.  It's not forth it if you did all that for him and he does that too you.  

  4. First of all, don't let being 41 stop you from doing anything!  That is young.  You can still find another (and better!) guy if you want to.  You can have a career.  You can get back whatever you gave up in the states, although it might take some time.

    If your husband won't stop his affair I'd say leave him.  He'll just continue to hurt you.  You have a LOT of life ahead of you and you deserve to enjoy it.

  5. Its time for a sit down with him. But before you do, prepare yourself. He may not want to be with you any longer. He might be having a midlife crisis. Decide if you can stay with him if he wants to work on the marriage or not. Ask him to be totally honest with you regardless of hurting your feelings. You need the truth now. There are many couples who stay together after affairs. You must decide if you can try or not. If you can't get out now and talk to a counselor available through the military. Ask to come back to the US or save money until you can confront him and return here. I wish you the best.  

  6. no abrupt conclusion. see what eactly he is missing from you.

  7. Leave his ***. Adultery is grounds for divorce! And make sure you get everything you can.

    And who cares how old you are?! People get married in their 90s! You'll be fine, honey. Definitely better off without him if he's going to disrespect and betray you that way.

    If you still want to be with him... Counseling might be an answer if he's willing. However, that old saying is true "Once a cheater, always a cheater." Even if he quits cheating on you forever, he'll always remain that way in your mind and you'll never trust him again. Is that really worth it?

    Good luck!

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