
Continue Rock Climbing?

by Guest58572  |  earlier

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I have just gone rock climbing trip in Wisconsin for my first time today. It was absolutely amazing. I'm 14 years old, and i did 6 lines and made up all of them successfully (with really good times and I didn't fall, etc). My guide said i was a natural and should definitely continue rock climbing [or else i might lose the talent as i grow older] but the thing is where i live there is no place to rock climb!! I absolutely love it, i've always dreamed of doing it and it's a blast!! I did a 5.8... is that good? All my guides called me a "spider-monkey". Also if i continue doing it, how do i convince my parents to continue letting me do it and take me to places?




  1. I agree that outdoor climbing is the best - but do consider indoor climbing as well. A membership won't cost that much, you can do it in the winter for exercise, and you will meet a lot of other climbers. Then after you have been climbing that much it might be easier to convince others that you are committed to climbing and to go on climbing trips.

    Good Luck

  2. We always love new blood :]

    I suggest you find a local climbing gym where you can really hone your skills, show your parents that you're willing to get serious about this before they invest their money. Take a few lessons, learn the ropes, etc.

    After you get the basics down, work on your parents taking you climbing outdoors, you must explain to them how this is a sport that will get you into great shape!

    I'd have more advice for you if I knew where you lived.

    Climbing a 5.8 as a 14 year old who doesn't climb is actually pretty good, that level of climbing is past just the hand over hand and has gone on to at least a little technique. It's definitely a good sign.  

  3. OK, I'll start out with the easy answers. A 5.8 is good for your first time. The scale is called the Yosemite Decimal System (YDS) where 5 stands for class V, and the second number describes it's difficulty. Originally the scale was meant to go from 5.0 to 5.10. However, as the sport progressed the scale was modified by adding a,b,c,d ratings. I think we're up to a 5.15 now, but I'm really not sure.

    I'm sure there are climbing gyms nearby  - start there. See if this is really something you want to get into, and go from there.

    Convincing the parents may be a bit difficult. However, indoor gyms often seem safer - if that helps any.  

  4. Like the others said a 5.8 is pretty good for a first time, especially outdoors which always seems a little tougher to me than in the climbing gym.

    As for convincing your parents to let you do it... why not invite them along to the climbing gym and take a lesson with you!   They may like it and you may form a new hobby together (plus it will help your mom and dad get in better shape ;-)  shhhhhh!).   I didn't start mountaineering until I was 38 or rock climbing until 42 and I love em both and I am creaping up on 50 now (eek!).    Maybe your parents will too.


  5. Maybe you should try parkour or free running, you'd keep your flexibility strength stamina and gain climbing skill.

    Rock climbing is different but parkour can help you gain skill.

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