
Continuing again?

by  |  earlier

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2. Plug the appliance into your power reader and set it to measure wattage NOT VOLTAGE!

3. Record the amount of watts used the appliance

4. Set appliance to Stand by mode and repeat steps 2 and 3

5. Repeat these steps with each appliance, on and

on stand by

6. Compare wattage between each appliance and between on and on stand by mode.

What is the assumption we are making and why is this assumption worth ‘busting’?

We assume that putting appliances on stand by will reduce the amount of money we spend on our power bills. We think that it is such a little amount of difference between just putting it on stand by rather than switching it off at the wall, that we do not bother to. We also buy the new and big appliances without thinking how it would affect the environment and the amount we are spending. This assumption is worth ‘busting’ because at the moment, New Zealand is going through a power crisis and it is very important to cut down on the energy we are using and our carbon fo...(c)




  1. what is your question?


  2. I'm sorry but I don't understand what question you are asking!

    As this :

    What is the assumption we are making and why is this assumption worth ‘busting’?

    Appears to be the question, you have provided your own answers, so I don't see another question.

    Can you clarify ?
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