
Continuing landlord problems

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I posted a question about my current problems with my landlord/neighbor a couple days ago but I haven't received much advice.  I have asked my landlord 3 times (in writing) for a copy of my signed lease as well as informing him of faulty windows/locks etc. Now he has put a sign on my side of the front yard advertising the diaper service they use(he lives on the other side of the duplex) I moved it over to their side and now they moved it back to the middle of my side-obviously playing games with me. Do I have any recourse?




  1. The landlord is under no obligation to give you a copy of the lease you signed. You should have kept a copy when you signed it.

    He can put his sign anywhere on his property as long as the lease does not specify that a certain outdoor area is for your exclusive use. Once you have informed him of the problems with the window locks in writting you can send another letter informing him that you will be having the locks repaired/ replaced and deducting the cost from your rent. Once you have given this notice give him a reasonable amount of time to do the repairs himself then hire a contractor to do the job and give the landlord a copy of the receipt with your next rent check less what the repair cost you. It sounds like you have more issues than what you have listed here and it may be time to consider looking for a new place to live.

  2. You can stop paying your rent. File a complaint with your local city/county prosecutor, who will most likely have you put the rent money

    in an "escrow" account managed by the local court.

    Then your local govt. prosecutor will investigate the claims you have made.

    As far as the advertisement he has placed in the lawn, I'm not sure.

    However, you are entitled to a copy of your lease, as well as, "reasonable" security of your dwelling.

    Check it out, years ago when I rented, I went through a similar situation.

    Good luck

  3. You can try contacting a tenant's union or association in your area and see if you have any recourse.  The sign is on private property that is owned by the landlord and unless there are any city ordinances against this, the sign can remain.

    Give 30 days notice prior to your lease end date and move out.  Your landlord sounds like a jerk.  Why fight such an idiotic battle when you don't have to?

  4. He have no recourse on the sign.    It is his land and he can still legally use and access it freely.  As long as he is not entering your house he can put legal signs on the lawn (some community laws forbid anyone from doing so.   You need to be careful if you want to play property games, you will loose them.   While he can go onto your lawn because he owns it you can not go onto his, you are trespassing on private property.    Putting a sign on someones lawn, no matter where you got it, is illegal.   He could play hardball and press trespassing charges.

    As you blocked your questions from view I can not access them to see what you said before and what you were told.

    You may not have gotten advice because there is little to give, your expectations are not enforceable, only your contract and the law.

    You can not legally withhold rent.

    Your landlord has to make sure your door to the outside has a working lock, but not the windows.   Most people use a stick of some kind, although there are portable window locks you can buy for less then a buck.

    You give no other indication of you actual issues here, so there is not much more to help you with.

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