
Continuity question again ---please help?

by Guest45376  |  earlier

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Am asking this again, as i did not write out the question clear enough the first time.


f(x) = -5√(x+1) if x is greater than 0

8*x^3+1 if x is less than or equal to 0

the which of the following statements are correct

1. f is a cubic function

2. f is discontinuous at x = 0.

3. f is continuous at x = 0.

4. f is a square root function.

5. f is continuous at x = -1.

2 and 5 are correct are any more correct?

Thanks for any help received, it is very much appreciated.




  1. you're right 2 and 5 are the only correct answers

    1 is false because not all of f is a cubic

    3 is false because there is a non-removable discontinuity (a jump) at x = 0. The limit from the left does not equal the limit from the right.

    4 is false because not all of f is a square root function

    ADD ON

    the limit from the right as x approaches 0 is -5 unless you typed it in wrong. The limit is 1 from the left

  2. 2 and 5 are indeed true

    1 is true for x =< 0, but not true elsewhere

    3 cannot be true since 2 is true

    4 is true fo x>0 but is untrue elsewhere

  3. You are right :

    answer 2 and 5 are correct

    and there aren't any more

    that are correct.

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