
Continuous car accident dreams... what does it mean?

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I keep on dreaming that I'm speeding/driving in a red light/turning car in a wrong direction/hitting a wall/hitting another car.... and so on... but some how every single time I manage to stop myself from going through that accident. For example... when every time I dreamt of hitting a wall or another vehicle while i was driving... i managed to put the breaks right b4 i hit that object... i.e. i'd stop the car an inch away from the object... and if i dream of speeding through red light i'd manage to save myself from an accident by turning the car according to the direction of the green light. So far I dream of almost having an accident but not really having one except for once when I saw that I was almost dying but then I kept on screaming in my dream that it is a dream and that I will wake up and that nothing can go wrong...

I know this is a lot to ask... but does anyone know what this means... i mean i have these dreams every now and then... and it is pretty annoying... also i'm too scared to drive on highways because of these dreams...

p.s. I must add that I had a bad car accident 5 years ago when I was out with my friends (i wasn't driving and there were constructions on the road with no signs on and the driver overlooked it) ... the car did a 360 degrees turn and hit another car.. even thought the front half of the cars was smashed completely nobody was hurt except for me... but it wasn't that serious... i got well after few weeks but have been scared of speed ever since coz the image keeps flashing.... i dont know if this is related to my dream or not ...




  1. You have what's called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD for short. It can show up anytime after a life-changing event like the car accident you were in. You need to speak to a professional about this. My husband was killed in a car accident many years ago. I came to the scene after my husband had been taken away in an ambulance, and I had nightmares off and on for a few years among other symptoms. I had to go on medication as well as through therapy. I was terrified of drivers behind me because my husband was rear-ended and the gas tank exploded. For a very long time afterwards I felt rigid whenever anyone was driving too closely behind me. It got better the more I drove. The positive part of your nightmare is that you always manage to stop in time.  

  2. your ******

  3. think of dreams as being representative.  the things in dreams usually represent something else.

    cars very often represent our lives; the direction our lives are going,

    etc.  do any parts of your life feel like they are out of control?  It looks like you have stopped short of disaster on more than one occasion.

    like turning something around before the you know what hit the fan.

    see if any of that fits.  hope it helps.

    God bless.

  4. to dream of speeding suggests that you are feeling compelled/driven to finish something and as a result you may be pushing people away. or you may also be moving to fast in some relationshiop or situation. the stoplight suggests that you feel you are being held back from pursuing our goals and feel pressure to succeed or else be left behind. WHEN YOU DREAM YOU FOLLOW DIRECTIONS IT SAYS YOU NEED TO ACCEPT CRITICISM. seeing brick in your dream represents ideas, thoughts and a heartbreak that has hardened you. the wall represents obstacles and that you are still in your old habits and ways of thinking. to dream of applying your brakes signifies that you should slow down in your business or personal affairs. dreaming of having an accident signifies your emotional state of pent up guilt,guilt and anxiety. it is telling you to slow down or you are driving yourself too hard and to re think your plans. the green light represent being on the right path. seeing yourself die in the dream represents an aspect of yourself you want to get rid of. screaming in your dream represents anger and fear. if you scream and no sound comes out it is telling you that you need to deal with a situation a car represents control of your life.

    i think that you are either in a relationship that has some issues and that you really dont want to be in this relationship or you think that it is moving too fast for you. you may like this person and feel guilty because you are not being honest with this person and yourself. do you feel like you are being held back from doing the things that you like or is this situation a job or dream that you have but you just dont know how to approach it? i think that you associate the accident you had with whatever situation you are going through now because im sure it happened fast and you didnt really see what was coming. get in touch with yourself and have a heart to heart and see what it is that you want and where you want to go. once you figure that out talk to the other person(s) involved to resolve the matter(s). i hope that this helps and good luck

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