
Contractions at a stand still.. Help!?

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AH! Help! I need your opinions and suggestions.

I am 39 weeks and some odd days. I am due Saturday. I have been having CONSISTENT contractions for three days now. Though they aren't painful, I still have to stop walking and bend over because it causes so much pressure. I AM MISERABLE! Last checked was Tuesday and was 2 cm and 80% effaced. My membrane have been stripped twice. My feet are KILLING me and are so swollen. I've called the L&D numerous times in the past few days because of this and NO ONE is helping me. All they're saying is wait it out. I HAVE BEEN. This pressure is so bad.. I have significantly dropped and can hardly stand up straight to walk. I have an appt. tomorrow to talk to my doc and I'm afraid he's just going to tell me I have to wait it out. I'm so miserable. Like I said, my contractions are at a stand still. Not painful, just really tight, happens every 10-15 minutes. They aren't progressing.

I need some advice on what to say to my doc tomorrow to help get my contractions going. PLEASE. I'VE TRIED EVERYTHING so don't suggest home inductions, because I've tried them all. Also, please don't tell me when baby is ready because I know my body and what it's TRYING to do, it just needs a little UMPH. Thanks!




  1. If I were you I would ask your doc to-marrow if he could strip your membranes. It kind of hurts, But I had my doc do it for me and I had my baby 6 hours later!! Just a suggestion for you. Hope it helps. Good luck.

  2. I really don't know what we can say, if home inductions aren't working, and you don't want to hear the 'baby will come when ready' spiel, the only real things you can do are wait it out, or talk to your doctor about a possible induction (if it's completly unbearable)

    There really isn't much else that can be done!

    Hopefully it works itself out soon!

  3. Ok I put this on another post too but I'm gonna say it again..s*x!! Seriously I was on my due date and absolutely MISERABLE because walking, jogging, nothing was making my contractions close enough together to go to the hospital until we had s*x! The o****m makes your uterus contract harder and this can put your labor into full swing.. everyone I know including myself plus the doctors say this is a great way to get labor going if it's slowing down!

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