
Contractions/labor question.?

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ok i am 39 weeks pregnant and 2 days, i was curious how far along were you when you started to have contractions the real ones[ what do they feel like]] [[is it explainable]] how long they lasted how long you was in labor and how long you pushed for. how did u feel physically after giving birht to your baby?





  1. I was induced at 39 weeks.  I hadn't felt a contraction at all throughout my pregnancy.  I was having them but couldn't feel anything until they broke my water in the hospital.  Then it was really bad cramping.  All I wanted to do was to push back against the bed to keep my insides from falling out.  That is what it felt like.  I pushed for about 50 minutes and was in labor for a total of about 7 hours.  I had an epidural so I had to wait a couple of hours to get up and shower until I had feeling back in my legs.  

    Afterward I was really sore, as in muscle soreness in my neck and back and shoulders.  My face hurt a lot because I felt like I had pushed with my face a lot.  And the stitches hurt.  I would say that the stitches were the worst part of the whole thing.  

    I had a great experience overall and would have done it again right away.

  2. REAL labor will be regular contractions - meaning all approximately all the same time apart.  If you think it might be real, it probably is.  How you feel afterwards will depend on if you have any... ahem... tearing.  But the worst is sure over once that baby is out!  Good luck!

  3. With my son I started having contractions at 40 weeks at about 1:00 in the afternoon. They started out feeling like tolerable menstrual cramping every 15 minutes. My ob/gyn stripped my membranes at 3:45pm and I had bloody show after. The contractions got progressively stronger, starting in my stomach and going into my back, and closer together. When they were strong enough that I was scrunching my face and not talking through them I went into L&D. They were 5 minutes apart at that time and it was 11pm. By 8:00am I was fully dilated and I pushed for a little under 30 minutes. He was born at 8:27am. I got to hold him immediately after he was born and suctioned and that is the most amazing feeling in the world. Holding your newborn and looking into their eyes makes everything else in the world melt away and stand still. I didn't even notice that I was hemorrhaging and they were administering pitocin and trying to stop the bleeding. I was too busy meeting my son. Physically I felt fine until the pitocin really kicked in and then I felt like I had been hit by a truck. But I could not have cared less at that point. I was already introducing him to breastfeeding.

    Giving birth is an amazing experience, Good luck!

  4. With my first I had contractions almost every night several weeks prior to having him they would last an hour or two then stop. But the day I was 5 days ahead of my due date, had labor for about 10 hours, pushed for about 30 minutes, and felt absolutely overwhelmed and exhausted as soon as he came out. But extremely happy and really shaky. With my other two I had labor and delivery for 3 and 2 hours so those were too quick to even time.  

  5. I did not have ANY until the day I went into labor, so for me it was the real thing....But with my son I had all back labor and my daughter was all contractions up front.

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