
Controlling Relationship..Ladies HELP!!?

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Been seeing a girl for about 2 months now.

She's probably the most indecisive person I've ever met. She ALWAYS wants me to decide what we do, where we go, when we go, and almost seems like she can't make her own decisions. She always seeks my approval, before doing anything...even just hanging out with her friends for a night. I could go on and on with examples.

I really like her, but I don't like being her boss or her dad. I prefer more equal sided relationships.

Then one day, we had a little argument, and the bottom line is that she said I was too controlling. Are you kidding me!!!?? She forced me to be like that with her! If it wasn't for me, she would be calling her parents every time she had an "idea" to run it by them and get approval. (she has done it).

Keep in mind we are both in our mid 20's.

It's almost like she's afraid of life, and needs a tour guide to get her through and make decisions for her.

Women: I've ponted out these things to her.....and she refuses to believe it. Is this girl just an idiot, or is there some underlying issue? Her dad treats her like gold, so I can't yet see an issue stemming from that as far as I can tell.

What's her deal?




  1. You are the Man that she looks up to in a husband or marriage.

  2. She sounds like an idiot.

    You said her dad treats her like gold, which, actually, is probably part of the issue. Odds are he's hever forced her to make her own decisions, and her life has been pretty easy in this respect. She's just floated along on the wind so far.

    If I were you, I'd move on. It's still early in the relationship, and if she's in her mid 20s, this is already permanently ingrained in her personality, so it won't ever change. And it sounds like this bothers you quite a lot, so my advice would be to let her go and find someone lower-maintenange.  

  3. if u like her alot u need to be more understanding and she has to be more secure on her side i dont think she does it on purpose she needs to admit what she does so that she can change it.  

  4. Dad may treat her like gold but that doesn't mean he always agreed with her decisions.  Possibly they were always parents that when she would make a decision they would make her feel like it was the wrong one.  Make her make some of the decisions.  Don't go pick her up til she says what she wants to do then stick with her plan.  Don't let her change her mind unless she thinks of something else to do.  You don't sound controlling.  Someone needs to make the decisions or you'd just be sitting around all the time.  Tell her you want it to be a 50/50 relationship including the decision making.  

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