
Controlling yourself in a dream?

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Most of my dreams seem competely controlled by me. There are the odd few that i seem to 'lay back and watch happen' unwillingly if you know what i mean....

I mean i control how things go in them, what i say, how i act and i even can wake my self up from them whenever i want. Like if i see a dream going bad, something that is too scary to go through, i just wake myself up out of them.

I really have no idea how to explain it in words.

Does everybody do this? people i talk to seem to not really understand.......

If so, why are most of my dreams like this?

Thanks in advance




  1. This is called Lucid Dreaming.  I do it as well.  Anyone can do it with practice.  There is a book called "Lucid Dreaming" you should read.  Find it on Amazon.

  2. Maybe it means you are very in touch with your unconscious side.  After all, some people can't even remember their dreams, let alone control them.  

  3. you' re not alone  I've had dreans like that since I can remenber  I don't know if it is for other people but its really common for me and the sometimes I get dreams that I'm  controling but barely

  4. wow i do that too, will only in scary dream or a dream i dont want to dream about, but sometime the dream will continue after i fall asleep, or even when i'm dream i know its a dream, i tell myself its only a dream? yea i guess its like what he say Lucid Dreaming

  5. i i loved it, though i havnt been able to do so in the last month or so

  6. Indeed, this is called lucid dreaming, it really means that you are falling in a stage that you are half awake.  In other words, you realize you are dreaming, but part of your subconsciousness does not want to wake up.  Feeling the control shows the will to take charge of the dream.

    Some dreams may reflect your personalities, but others just merely means role switching, play back experience of your movie, media experience, and you just wanted to be the main character and that is why you had this lucid dreaming.

  7. Dreams usually are the results of past experiences.Sometimes we just imagined things, like day dreaming and we can controll some of them, but dont worry those happened to me also. Just pray to our Lord Jesus Christ to let Him control your thoughts and you'll find peace. GOD bless!

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