
Controversial (depending on your point of view) Yale study on autism . . .?

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This is controversial and a theory, but I would still like to know your opinion. The following is a brief summation . . . the full study is available on-line under Yale children autistic study (sorry I do not know how to provide "links"). The study found that there are predominately two types of children with autism - the first group are autistic with no signs of mental retardation and are often catagorized as high functioning or Asperger's. The second are children with autism and mental retardation where the retardation determines the overall severity of the autism. While both groups of children will suffer or face difficulties mainstreaming into "normal" society, the first group is able to do so in significantly higher numbers and much more efficiently than the second. The second group is rarely able to mainstream into "normal" society. Personally, I think this is why some children with autism are able to recover or normalize and some are not. What are your thoughts?




  1. Wow that's so controversial!

    Who thought autism was a spectrum disorder? Crazyness!

  2. I am also a teacher of children with Autism. I teach children on the very low end of the scale or that have behaviors that keep them from being in a regular classroom. I have many children with Autism that have mental delays. It is not all because of their lack of communication or social skills but they truly have some mental delays a long with their Autism. I agree that all children are smart in their own ways but children with Autism can have mental delays. As for it affecting the severity of the Autism...I don't agree with that I have some children that have very severe traits of autism but are bright and I have some that have fewer traites of autism but have severe mental delays.

  3. That study seems perfectly true to me, in my professional experience.  

    If you read Jenny McCarthy's new book, she says kids are always in recovery even if you employ some different strategies or nutrition, etc, with them.  That is the only controversial thing - that autistic kids can be "cured".

  4. The children are not autistic children. They are children with autism. Children with autism are all very smart. Mental delays are not an issue with them. The children just can not speak or function and the higher functioning-asperger children lack social skills. Children with Asperger Syndrome have a hard time in society because of the lack of social skills. They get bullied constantly, and also have the sensory issues of children and adults who have other areas of the autism spectrum. Don't even get me started on this Jenny McCarthy and her book. UGH!!!

  5. I think it's the other way around, the severity of the autism determines mental retardation because IQ test rely on verbal communication.

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