
Conure's bath??

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My green cheek conure takes a bath in his water dish 2 or 3 times a day and that's why I keep changing his water. But he splashes so much water that he soaks everything around him. How can I get him not to splash so much???




  1. Conures will splash all over the place.  They have a lot of fun taking a bath.  I just put my bird under the kitchen sink.  She splashes everywhere and runs in and out of the water stream.  But, it does not get a big mess.

    If you take out the bird and give him a bath, he will be less likely to do it in his own water.

  2. Unfortunately you can't, that's how they bathe.

    There are some things you can do to not get the messy water in areas you don't want it. One thing I do is take my parrot out of her cage and put her bathing dish in the shower. She can splash all she wants and the mess is fairly contained.

    Another thing you can try is to use a spray bottle (a new one that has never had chemicals in it) as a misting shower. That way you're controlling the conure's bath and there's nothing to splash. My parrot shys away from misting rain which is why I go with the bathing dish in the shower routine.

  3. They have bird perches made special for your shower.  As long as you can stick a suction cup onto your shower wall you can use these.  Now a days I believe all pet stores sell them.  They come in different sizes.  Just get one that is the right size for your birdies feet.  

    You can get your bird use to the shower very slowly.  But once you do he/she will love it.  First get him/her use to your bathroom.  I would take mine into the bathroom and show them their reflection in the mirror.  He may at first freak, but a little at a time and he/she should get use to it.  Then you work on the shower area with the perch, or just your hand at first.  Put the water in the shower on a low stream and get the right water temp.  Show your bird how great it is, maybe a little splashing.  Just ease into it.  Once he/she gets use to it maybe you can even shower with your bird.  Good Luck.

  4. You probably can't get him to not splash as much, as it's probably the funnest part of the bathing for your conure! But you can modify your cage or seek a different one that keeps the water spills inside the cage more.

    Here are the cages I have, they have a plexi front and grates on the sides with a solid back. The feeders are called "friendly feeders" from Cages by Design ( so that food and water can't get out of them easily. Then they have "wings" on the side to catch any access stuff. Here are some photos of them;

    Maybe get some wing catchers for your cage or get him a dish purely for bathing that has higher sides so it can't get out and get everywhere. There are also different methods for bathing your bird so maybe he would like the other methods that aren't so messy, see here;
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