
Conversation Skills - Asking Questions?

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I have a horrible time asking questions in general conversation.

I was raised in one of those "women are to be seen, not heard" and "speak only when spoken to" homes, so I have it ingrained that if someone wants me to know, they'll tell me.

I have a hard time finding the line between nosiness and interest, and I think it makes people think I'm self-centered when they ask me questions and I answer, but I don't ask them questions in fear of seeming intrusive.

I don't want them to think I'm disinterested or careless, but I don't want them to think I'm nosy.

This has created a gigantic problem for me in communication.

If anyone can point out the line between interest and nosiness, or if anyone has this same problem, I'd appreciate replies.

Hm... thanks.




  1. Every person’s line is different. A good rule of thumb is if you’d be offended/embarrassed to answer the question you just asked, it’s too personal.

  2. Wow, tough one.  You seem like a good girl, though, so I bet you have good judgment.  The problem is that everyone has different views on how much information is public and how much is private.  I have a strong interest in languages, so when I meet someone who speaks with an accent I can't identify, I want to know their nationality or heritage.  I try my best to ask politely, and many aren't offended but others are; they feel I'm being critical of them or something.  You might just need to ask more vaguely, in a way that gives them the option to share what they feel is appropriate.  In dating, for example, I'll say to a girl, "So, tell me your life story" rather than asking specific things like "So, how many guys have you already slept with?" lol that would be bad.

  3. i really did enjoy making that story up ... TOO BAD IT'S FACT !

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