
Conversation starters????

by  |  earlier

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im kinda a shy kid and i was just wondering what some conversation starters are for talking to shy girls....or girls that are kinda "loud"




  1. just talk about how the teacher is...whats going on in that class..anything really!

  2. ask:

    what are your classes?

    whats your name?

    trust me anything will break the ice and once you start talking to ppl they'll ask you stuff too

  3. "so are your going to the Football game tonight I heard everyone is going"

    "Do you know whats for lunch today"

    "Who did you get your eyes from they are so pretty"

    "Cool shoes where did you get them" (make sure they arent like girly or they will think you are g*y)

    "Wasnt that math test frigin hard i think he is trying to fail us all!"

    " My friend dared me to come say hey to you, he thinks your hott"- (this could work out or go tottaly wrong)

    "whats up"


  4. ask her her interest games..any hobbies...

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